30 geburtstag motto ideen

1. "30 and thriving"

2. "Cheers to 30 years"

3. "Dirty Thirty"

4. "30 and fabulous"

5. "Aged to perfection"

6. "30 and flirty"

7. "30 and still fun"

8. "30 and fabulous"

9. "Thirty and thriving"

10. "The big 3-0 celebration"

11. "30 and fabulous, let's party!"

12. "Vintage 1992"

13. "30 and fabulous, let's toast to that"

14. "30 and fabulous, let's celebrate in style"

15. "30 and fabulous, let the good times roll"

16. "30 and fabulous, let's make memories"

17. "30 and fabulous, let's dance the night away"

18. "30 and fabulous, let's eat, drink, and be merry"

19. "30 and fabulous, let's raise a glass to the birthday queen/king"

20. "30 and fabulous, let's party like it's 1992"

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Gemeinsam stark seit [Jahr des Vereinsjubiläums]

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