Berühmte film locations new york

1. Times Square - Times Square is one of the most iconic locations in New York City and has been featured in numerous films, including "Spider-Man," "Vanilla Sky," and "Birdman."

2. Central Park - Central Park is a popular filming location in New York City and has been featured in movies such as "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York," "Enchanted," and "When Harry Met Sally."

3. Empire State Building - The Empire State Building is another famous film location in New York City and has been featured in movies like "Sleepless in Seattle," "King Kong," and "An Affair to Remember."

4. Brooklyn Bridge - The Brooklyn Bridge is a popular filming location in New York City and has been featured in films such as "The Dark Knight Rises," "Spider-Man," and "Gangs of New York."

5. Grand Central Terminal - Grand Central Terminal is a historic train station in New York City that has been featured in movies like "The Avengers," "Men in Black," and "The Fisher King."

6. Statue of Liberty - The Statue of Liberty is an iconic landmark in New York City and has been featured in films such as "Ghostbusters II," "Planet of the Apes," and "The Day After Tomorrow."

7. Rockefeller Center - Rockefeller Center is a famous complex of buildings in New York City that has been featured in movies like "Elf," "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York," and "Spider-Man 3."

8. Washington Square Park - Washington Square Park is a popular filming location in New York City and has been featured in movies such as "I Am Legend," "August Rush," and "The Godfather Part II."

9. The High Line - The High Line is a public park built on a historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s West Side. It has been featured in films like "The Avengers," "The Other Guys," and "John Wick."

10. Coney Island - Coney Island is a famous amusement park and beach in Brooklyn, New York, that has been featured in movies like "The Warriors," "Requiem for a Dream," and "Wonder Wheel."

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