Berühmte jazz zitate

1. "Jazz is not just music, it's a way of life, it's a way of being, a way of thinking." - Nina Simone

2. "Jazz is the type of music that can absorb so many things and still be jazz." - Sonny Rollins

3. "Jazz is the music of the body." - Anais Nin

4. "Jazz is the only music in which the same note can be played night after night but differently each time." - Ornette Coleman

5. "Jazz is the big brother of revolution. Revolution follows it around." - Miles Davis

6. "Jazz is about being in the moment." - Herbie Hancock

7. "Jazz is a feeling, more than a sound." - Billie Holiday

8. "Jazz is the art of thinking out loud." - Billy Strayhorn

9. "Jazz is the music of the body, the music of the soul." - Duke Ellington

10. "Jazz is a feeling, an emotion, a state of mind." - Louis Armstrong

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