Berühmte weibliche künstlerinnen und ihre werke
1. Frida Kahlo - "Die gebrochene Säule", "Selbstporträt mit Dornenhalsband", "Die zwei Fridas"
2. Georgia O'Keeffe - "Jimson Weed/White Flower No. 1", "Black Iris III", "Red Canna"
3. Yayoi Kusama - "Infinity Mirror Room", "Pumpkin", "Polka Dot"
4. Louise Bourgeois - "Maman", "Spider", "Cell XXVI"
5. Cindy Sherman - "Untitled Film Stills", "History Portraits", "Centerfolds"
6. Marina Abramović - "The Artist is Present", "Rhythm 0", "The House with the Ocean View"
7. Kara Walker - "A Subtlety", "The Emancipation Approximation", "The Means to an End"
8. Tracey Emin - "My Bed", "Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995", "The Last Thing I Said to You is Don't Leave Me Here"
9. Shirin Neshat - "Women of Allah", "Turbulent", "Rapture"
10. Jenny Holzer - "Truisms", "Inflammatory Essays", "Survival Series"