Mottos für abschlussfeier im chinesis
1. 勇往直前,迎接新的挑战。(Courageously move forward, embrace new challenges.)
2. 永远保持热情,追求卓越。(Always stay passionate, strive for excellence.)
3. 梦想是实现的起点,努力是成功的关键。(Dreams are the starting point of achievement, hard work is the key to success.)
4. 不忘初心,方得始终。(Never forget your original intention, and you will achieve your goals.)
5. 拼搏奋斗,成就辉煌。(Strive and fight, achieve brilliance.)
6. 勇攀高峰,创造未来。(Climb the peak bravely, create the future.)
7. 以坚韧不拔的毅力,书写精彩人生。(With unwavering perseverance, write a wonderful life story.)
8. 拥抱变化,迎接未来。(Embrace change, welcome the future.)
9. 知识改变命运,努力成就未来。(Knowledge changes destiny, hard work shapes the future.)
10. 永远向前,永不止步。(Always move forward, never stop.)